15 Ways To Make Your Relationship Lasts


There are different kind of relationships that develop in our world, but male-female relationship is most acceptable by public because this is the only combination that is accepted by the people. You cannot create a child if you don't have this combination. But then, there are gays and lesbians that creates commotion in public opinion and eyes. No matter relationship you have this is an advice to make your relationship work and lasts forever. 

1. Talk to each other about your likes and dislikes. In this way you will find your difference and similarities so that you can avoid your partners dislikes. Your similarities can develop good beginnings.

2. Know each other backgrounds, your family, friends every people that your partner have. Your partner will be much appreciate and know your sincerity if you bring him/her to your parents, siblings and friends. 

3. Accept his/her imperfections. In this way you can finally love unconditionally by loving both his/her perfection and imperfections. 

4. Opening past relationship experience, can made your partner be jealous or get mad this topic is a very hard obstacle for some partners. Try to open, if your partner asked something about your past be honest and be careful every story you say or just say this is past I am just being honest with you. 

5. Make codes, signs or languages that both of you only know. In this case other people won't know your talking about. It creates secrecy and intimacy to both of you.

6. Travel together spend time to other places so you can create bond just like team building. Try outdoor or indoor sports.

7. Keep your partner updated by your schedules. Be open any events, meeting's, gathering, hangouts you will do and went.

8. Ask everyday life, what do you do the whole day, what happened. 

9. Never fail to fulfull your promises and compromises to each other. 

10. Tell each other problems whether it is family, ownself, friends, colleagues, strangers problems.

11. Tell each other I love you everyday. Surprise him/her . To be feel love every breath you spent together. 

12. Remember anniversary date, birthdays, special moments together. You'll never know your partner will asked. Take down notes everyday you spend, your dates and anniversaries.

13. Create plans together establishing your relationship for your future.

14. Save, itemized, track your money spendings together. As money can make quarrels. Try to discuss it calmy together.

15. Share each other secrets.

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